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Mom 2 Mom



If you're looking for encouragement and connection with other homeschool moms you've come to the right place! Whether you're new to this homeschool gig or you've been at it for years we would love to come alongside you and help you find JOY for the journey!


Moms from all walks of life and stages of homeschooling will share their stories and friendship, as well as large amounts of coffee and chocolate! Encouraged and refreshed, you'll leave ready to tackle your homeschool tasks with renewed energy.


We have monthly M2M meetings throughout the year on the 2nd Tuesday of the month, unless specified in the SELAH Facebook Group Event. We meet altogether most months, and in-between those times we have Small Group Leaders create events throughout the Treasure Valley, so you can make connections with other homeschooling moms close to home.


Our next M2M is November 12, 2024



SELAH M2M November_edited.jpg

© 2014 by SELAH of Idaho.

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